Welcome to the philosophy page of Torsten Pietrek
My philosophical projects:
Staatsexamensarbeit on Edmund Husserl's Lectures on Ethics
PhD thesis "Phänomenologische Metaethik" supervised by Thomas M. Seebohm with financial support by the Graduiertenförderung des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz
„Emotion, Kognition und subjektive Wertordnung aus phänomenologischer Sicht“ talk held at the annual meeting 1999 (August 1999, Padova (I)) of Societas Ethica - European Society for Research in Ethics on Ethics and Emotions. Published in annual report 1999 of Societas Ethica, 234-239.
“A Reconstruction of Phenomenological Method for Metaethics” in The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy Vol. IV (2004), 69-108.
An Ecological Theory of Values - concise presentation of the theory that results from the phenomenological investigations in my Ph.D. thesis in English
Post-Doc in the research project "Freiheit auf Basis von Natur?" of Thomas Buchheim funded by the Thyssen Stiftung.
Collection of essays from the final conference of the project
I would like to hear your comments on these projects and texts under comment at philos dot topiks dot de.